I am a multi-disciplinary, cross-genre scholar, artist, and cultural critic. In my critical work, I discover new connections between historical time periods and reveal the trace of the past in the present. My work brings together diverse archives of cultural objects, including 19th, 20th, and 21st century American literature, film, media, and performance. I put into conversation texts which are not normally viewed as aesthetically or conceptually interrelated. In my artistic practice, I use a wide range of media to bring forward the complexities of identity discovery and subject formation. I describe my work as “serious play”; I love to “get messy” in everything I do. My monograph, Masculinity in Transition (2023) is currently available from University of Minnesota Press and anywhere else you buy books.
I find excitement in discovering new ideas and allowing the critical and artistic process to lead to unexpected insights.
I am a bold risk-taker who doesn’t shy away from taking on new projects and forging collaborations across disciplines.
I constantly experiment and push boundaries to arrive at unexpected variations and perspectives.